Tibetaanse wierook Spiritual Home (Harmony & Joy)

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This spiritual home incense is entirely handmade from selected natural ingredients found in the uncontaminated environment of the Himalayan region. It is recommended that this incense is used daily in the home as an offering to the three juwels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), it purifies the environment from all negativities thus creating an harmonious, peaceful and joyful home.

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Artikelnummer: SKU9021 Categorieën: , Tag:

Tibetan incense is different from others produced in the Orient. It is not composed of a mixture of essential oils, but from precious woods mixed with other natural ingredients found in the Himalayan region. This incense is produced entirely by hand.

Specificatie: ± 20 gram, ± 20 sticks, 14 cm.

Brandtijd: circa 65 minuten

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